Beyond Limits

with Timothy MK

In 2024 Timothy MK began a journey of self discovery. In 2017, at the age of 43, he shocked his family and church when he publicly came out. This initiated a series of events that ended his marriage, friendships, and church affiliation.

For the next seven years he traded a church pew for a bar stool. God was replaced with alcohol and by 2020 he was an alcoholic. Being forced to stay at home during the COVID-19 pandemic was the catalyst to become sober.

Timothy, now sober, began to question the church’s teachings on homosexuality. Did God really hate homosexuals enough to condemn them to hell? He knew he was gay. He knew God. What he found changed the course of his life.

This publication and podcast contains articles that challenge the teachings of the conservative Christian church and take you Beyond Limits.

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Beyond Limits brings a fresh perspective and education to social issues that elicit a primal need in humans to immediately defend their convictions.


Beyond Limits is written by Timothy MK. Timothy writes about many topics such as Artificial Intelligence, AI Tools, life as a gay Christian, challenging the social norms in order to live a full life and so much more.