Cancer Came Calling
Cancer. The word no doctor wants to say. The word no person wants to hear. The very sound of the word makes time stand still. The brevity of life suddenly is staring you in the face and the reality of death cannot be ignored.
In 2016 my precious mother and father sat in the office of one of the most respected retinal specialists in the United States and listened as he delicately told them that my mother had incurable ocular melanoma.
Nothing can prepare a person for that news, no matter how carefully the doctor’s words are chosen.
Cancer. The news rocked our family to the core. Even though cancer had impacted several members of our extended family, this was different. This was mom. A woman in her mid sixties, full of life, full of energy, and took her health very seriously.
Yet cancer does not care about any of that. The disease is pure evil and is indiscriminate in those it holds in its grip. It is merciless as is wages war against the human body.
For two years my mother battled against cancer, however, after a long fight, the disease invaded her liver. On June 7, 2018, while holding my daughter’s hand, she took her last breath and was finally free from the painful grip of cancer.
Prayer Changes Things
My mother embodied the scripture verse found in I Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing. I Thessalonians 5:17
From my earliest recollection, early every morning, she could be found sitting on the couch with her Bible, the Our Daily Bread devotional, and her ever growing prayer list.
After finishing her devotional my mother would commune with Jesus and intercede for each person on her precious list. My mother had the faith to believe that there was nothing too insignificant for her God and He would solve any issue if a person would only ask. Her faith was like that of mustard seed as Jesus spoke of in the book of Matthew.
He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
Her faith was not profound. The faith of my mother was simple, unassuming, and humble. Just ask of the Lord and he will answer and we have not because we ask not. It really was that simple.
While I will never understand why my mother was
Stricken with incurable cancer
Had to endure unimaginable suffering
Taken before she would see her 70th birthday
I must, like my mother, simply trust God’s purpose. Resting with certainty that He knows best.
My mother’s faith was not shaken and she remained absolutely committed to God’s plan and purpose. It became clear that His plan was to end her earthly suffering and allow her to bask in the glories of heaven. She was going to receive her ultimate reward and see her beloved Savior face to face. She had been waiting her entire life for this moment.
A Son and His Mother
Shortly before her passing, I sat by her bedside and held her hand. She was completely bedridden and speaking was difficult. The room was quiet and we were alone. All I could do was provide comfort by keeping her hand in mine as she clung to life with slow and labored breathing.
She was very dehydrated due to not eating and speaking was a challenge. That night as I held her hand in the silence of that room I felt her squeeze mine. I looked at her and with her eyes full of tears, she told me to come close to her. She released my hand and moved her hand to my cheek and pulled me as close as she could. In a completely lucid moment, she said to me in a strained, yet loving voice,
Tim, please remember that Jesus said “I will never leave you.” As she said “I will never leave you” she pointed to each of my fingers with each word. She had taught Jesus’ five finger promise to her children, grandchildren, and hundreds of other children she touched over the years.
God has said “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5b
Even in the final days of her life and in the midst of terrible suffering she knew her God was with her. The simplicity of her faith in her heavenly father is what made her so profound.
Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Friend
I witnessed the loyalty and love she shared with my father. Through the many storms they weathered over the years they remained faithful to each other. My parents were a team and their love was steadfast and true. They were partners for life and I watched as my father lovingly cared for my precious mother to the very end.
I am certain my father will always have a hole in his heart which is in the perfect shape of his bride. While I know I will never hear him question God’s plan, I know he misses her desperately. I am certain his pillow is stained with the hot tears of loneliness.
My mother, more than believed, she was certain that prayer changes things. Her petitions, both large and small, were answered by her Lord. She walked daily with her God.
Trust. Ask. Believe.
It’s really that simple.
Thank you for sharing this heart-felt piece, Timothy! It touched me. :) Your mom shines as an excellent example of faith and resilience. :)